Temperatures are rising, the days are getting longer and the garden is slowly coming to life. Flowers are blooming, first the crocuses and grape hyacinth then jonquils and forsythia, now the magnolias are in full bloom not to mention the redbuds and colorful tulips popping up everywhere!
Jonquils- painted from my backyard and redbud in background
Magnolias from my neighbors yard
The smell of spring is a marvelous thing. The smell of dirt and rain mixed with the scent of flowers after a long winter is intoxicating. Even Buttercup, who's usually not as sensitive to smells notices how sweetly odiferous the spring air is. It's no Hawaii but when the greens start coming in and colorful flowers start sprouting, well everything feels more vibrant than it actually is. Visually everything is intensified after a long colorless winter and that is so exciting to us northerners. Earth is waking up after it's long slumber, mother nature is rejuvenating herself and so am I.
Spring Green watercolor piece inspired by the emergence of all the greens coming to life.
Just before this time of year I get antsy and seem to always hit that creative wall, basically, I get in a rut, finding it difficult to stay creative. That being said, the bright sunlight and colors are an inspiration for me. Part of the creative process is rejuvenating oneself in order to see things in a new way, in a new light so to speak. Vacations to new or exotic places always do the trick but one doesn't have to take a trip to re-inspire oneself. Just looking at something in a new way can also jump-start the creative process and a new season certainly helps that process.
This piece is about "life" springing back to "life" as butterflies migrate to follow the sun
I've also learned over the years of making art that when I am in a slump, that's okay. I don't panic, I let it go because I know it always comes back and makes me a stronger artist. Like getting caught in the undertow, if you struggle and fight it, well, it could kill you but if you just ride it out you end up eventually with your head above the water.
I leave you with a little video about following the sun...