Hi, I'm Claudia and I'm starting a blog as a general discussion on art, creativity, gardens, and chickens (those may pop up from time to time). I'm an artist, have been my entire life. I've been drawing since I can remember and created my first oil painting at the age of nine. When other kids were playing on Saturdays I was learning oil painting by copying Winslow Holmer's work. I'm also dyslexic. Being riddled with dyslexia caused much stress and anxiety in my childhood/ school years but I can't help but think it is what made me the way I am today, a right brain thinker.
Okay so I replaced the boat's real name with mine, I was really young and the name actually started with a C so....
Which brings me to my objective in this first post, introducing to you a fascinating article my cousin sent me on the genius of Leanardo DaVinci and how his brain worked. I am intrigued by the idea that one's gender and upbringing early in life sways so much influence on one's ability to be creative and artistic. Creativity in both the arts and sciences, as different as they are, seem to go hand in hand in Leonardo's brain. His right brain and left brain connected perfectly, neither one dominating. This is the key to his genius.
If anyone can figure out how they analyzed a brain that's hundreds of years old let me know. Just curious.
Anyway, back to my story. So after college, I ended up doing storyboards for an advertising firm, Foote, Cone, and Belding. But my heart wasn't in it, I took a pay cut against my father's wishes and made the switch to product design. I worked for a product development company in Chicago, called tag. Now I work on my own, doing textile designs and painting in my home studio which overlooks the garden (inspiration my friends!). The great thing is in the design world right now painted designs are trending so this blends my two worlds perfectly. Often what I paint can end up on a textile or paper product and on the other hand, threads may end up in my paintings not to mention bits of nature I pick up from my walks. A perfect blend.
Oil painting with catalpa pods and threads. Dish towel set for tag printed from my watercolors.
I'm also an avid gardener. I dug up 1/3 of my yard to grow food organically. So I'll also be sharing with you my adventures in the dirt, gardening tips and recipes here and there. I really want chickens but my husband (aka Buttercup) doesn't like them, he says they stare at you funny and suspiciously. Bottom line is, he doesn't trust them. I love chickens and since I can't have them I paint them. Just to make it clear, I don't eat them, I'm a vegetarian. If you look up the diverse types of chickens in this world you will find how incredibly beautiful they are, their feathers are amazing!! Mushrooms are inspiring too, by the way, I really love painting them as well.
My garden chickens, thanks Buttercup.
So it's the start of the gardening season, I grow my veggies from seed and will share that process with you. Speaking of blended worlds, I have a series of paintings called "Pick 'n Paint" where I pick a veg from the garden, bring it up to the studio and paint it. Then I cook and eat it. Another nice merge in my life.
Caprese' salad we had for dinner, tomatoes from the garden.
Enough of my blabbering, for now, Buttercup says I can talk to a doorknob which is most likely true.